

统仁贸易股份有限公司设立于1977年,专业于压铸机设备之系统行销、模具、压铸制品等进出口,依客户不同需求,提供冷室压铸机及热室压铸机械及其周边,以优质设备、最短交期及合理价格为经营理念, 满足客户对于成本、品质、服务、交期的需求,分别于台湾、中国等地设有台北、台中、台南、上海(昆山) 、东莞(长安)等服务据点。致力于客户、协力厂间共同成长而努力,并为双方谋取最大利益为宗旨。 『统购货源进八方,仁信礼义世名扬』 由此字义即可了解统仁公司于压铸界努力不仅限设备之行销,面对客户端制程之流畅,产品品质之要求,以技术团队为核心价值提供海内外之服务网,其专业领域之触角亦因产品多元化,将统仁推向更创新之新纪元。
公司创立于民国72年初,随即展开一贯作业机械厂之建厂规划工作。 第一阶段建厂工程自民国72年2月开始施工,于74年11月完成。而陆续自民国79年2月、86年6月及94年5月开始进行第二、三、四阶段扩建工程。完成第四阶段扩建工程之后,本公司之生产线更为完善。二十几年的专业设计橡塑料押出、射出机各类零组件,尤其以螺杆、螺套及入料座模头组件之制造更是具有相当专业的领域知识。
本公司自创立以来,即致力于密练混合机 的研发设计,更为因应时代潮流与兼顾客户利 益 的双重考虑不敢稍有懈怠,不断的投人力 、物力,以期机械产能效率提升,增加客户产 品 竞力。研发出比过去更省电的混合机,以 降低客户成本,为防止环境污染,维护对这块 土 地的热爱,所付出的心力更不在话下。
Rink International Co. ,LTD
Rink International Co. ,LTD
  Rink International Co. ,LTD. found since August 1989, Our company keeps on growing from 3 employees at the very beginning to more than 50 employees now. Our goal is to provide the most advance product, knowledge & .technology in shoe industry. It's just like Rink's slogan "We Work For The Future". While Rink started to run, we've promoted products and ideas for shoe industry with the concept of Rink System. That's why Rink International Co.,LTD came to birth. Recently, "Lean Production" which advocated by shoe industry is also based on Rink System. We promote the idea from "JIT (Just In Time)", "Rink System", "Shoe Factory of Future" & "Lean Production" to meet with the customer demands in shoe manufacturing. We provide the ideas & products 01 CAD/CAM, machines & materials used in footwear industry, in whether Designing, Developing, Costing, Manufacturing and Storage. Our target is to offer customer best solutions to meet whether mass production, small but various product, and sample sales. Our products will assistant you to gain the advantages such as quality increasing, costs saving, equipment productivity increasing, advancing producing technology and improving the company reputation...etc. Led by Mr. Aaron Pan the president of Rink Trading, we are continuous to develop various new technology and equipments to help customer to solve the problem of production. Living on earth, we pay more attention on the environment protection, and every so often introduce many shoe machinery with non-pollution and saving-energy to customer. For example, water based Spray gun system. We do believe that earth protection is our responsibility. In management, we still make great efforts, such as Strategic Planning, Balance Scorecard, and Management by Objective, and Professional Service : RWP (Rink Way Project), to keep company running better and better. We appreciate that you can be our precious customer; and all Rink's staff will provide the most professional service and responsible attitude to you.  
拥有超过40年的专业经验及良好的技术. 从不同产业领域累积了多年的实绩。 TYG提供技术, 设计, 制造, 品质以完成客户需求. 主要产品线包括齿轮箱(适用于押出机, 电动射出, 轧轧钢, 拉伸机, 整平机, 钢管机以及客制化机型),齿轮联轴器,钢片式联轴器,万向接头,客制的精密齿轮适用于不同产业。如钢铁业,塑料橡胶业,水泥 & 矿业, 电力输送, 起重机业,造纸业和传输设施。 我们专业致力于解决各种动力传输问题, 为客人量身打造, 以符合所需。 强大的研发团队可以有效解决各种动力传输问题,借以提高设备的效率及妥善率。可以根据您的要求提供OEM和ODM服务。
Located in Taiwan and established in 1981, Yee Jee Technology Co., Ltd. is an enterprise that specializes in the manufacture and export of rubber tire patch products for bicycles, motorcycles, automobiles, trucks and lorries. Known globally as Pax, it then expanded its product lines to include DIY tools and repair products, providing clients with the most comprehensive integrated products and services. AX takes pride in the “quality” of its products as well as the competitiveness it provides. For over 40 years, Pax insists on using natural rubber to ensure durability and usage safety of its products. In times of need, Pax’s high quality tire repair products safeguard driving safety by stabilizing tires, thereby gaining significant praise and support in the global tire repair market. Pax adopts the slogan “Focus, You Care” in working toward its brand vision – “Profit sharing, giving back to society.” We assist our partners in developing complete and thorough product plans. Every year, forward-looking schemes are tailored for the R&D of new products. Starting from initial raw materials, Pax implements strict control measures for each stage of the production process, providing crucial and reliable safety for drivers.
优质的产品与技术是本公司的竞争优势, 我们提供客户最便利的服务及最专业的技术,借以创造出完美品质的机械组件。福隆一直朝着永续发展的目标在迈进,深植稳固的市场地位和掌握卓越的经营绩效, 是我们最重视的成绩,完美品质的专业技术及无微不至的服务精神,是我们最在乎的理念,我们将以行动证明我们的成绩与信念。
MINZ Inc. is a leading pioneer in production saving. Every year MINZ assists factories all over the world save more than 10 million kwh, which is equivalent to planting 620,000 grown up trees worldwide. To reduce enterprises’ electricity consumption and wasted material generation, and to achieve an synergic balance between human needs and environment are MINZ’s founding points. MINZ believes saving energy and reducing CO² must be done all over the world; therefore, MINZ’s clients spread over more than 20 countries around the world. Global material price, electricity price, and labour salary constantly rise in this era, which is a heavy production cost burden to factories producing consuming products. MINZ and its partners have developed a series of production saving products and services, such as our cutting energy saving system, ECO plane cutting machine, traveling head cutting machine, swing arm cutting machine and other energy saving machines: MINZ Save Energy Systems inc can dramatically reduce production machinery’s electricity consumption. MINZ Remote System can gather and generate Big Data from client’s production line for internal management. Automation solution can reduce production WIP and labours. Finally, through MINZ’s global partners, a total solution of production saving and supports can be provided.