产品分类 : 管头注塑机
Automatically storage functions. Available to connect with outer diameter control unit, to separate / remove defect tube via conveyor, not into accumulator. Automatically separate / remove tubes wh...
产品分类 : 管头注塑机
Plastic material has its own characters. In co-extrusion system. We use and combine several kinds of materials, therefore, the characters of single layer tube can't compete with the complex cha...
产品分类 : 管头注塑机
人机介面操作控制。可进行椭圆管与圆形管生产。模具可进行自带孔产品模具设计。全自动伺服控制: 进/退管系统、钻孔(选配)、切头(选配)、选点(选配)。储料箱+输送带式自动送管。四分割工作站。