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晏邦-台湾塑橡胶周边设备领导品牌,创立于1974年。逾四十五年来一直致力于产品的创新、研究与开发,多项产品系列荣获台湾、日本、美国、德国与中国等专利,其中除湿干燥机系列在2000年及2009年获得台湾精品的殊荣,更奠定了晏邦在业界的领导地位。产品行销全球80多个国家,通过ISO 9001与CE的认证是业界对于晏邦产品的肯定。全系列自动化塑橡胶辅助设备,专精于整厂规划与全面解决方案,例如干燥&除湿系列、 配色&混料系列、控温&冷却系列、输送&吹送系列、 回收&粉碎系列等。    


富强鑫精密工业股份有限公司起源于1974年。当时由王伯壎、王伯祥、王伯豊三兄弟共同创办『富强铁工所』于台湾台南市富强路。成立之初为车床工厂,后于1978年成功转型为塑胶射出成型机制造厂。 1991年迁厂至台南市关庙区现址,筹设全球营运总部以因应事业版图的扩增,并先后设厂于中国大陆的东莞及宁波。为求营运效能更上层楼,遂于2004年在台正式挂牌,成为台湾区同业首家且唯一公开发行之上柜公司。 富强鑫集团以创造高附加价值产品为理念,结合全球化与多角化之经营策略,除深耕射出成型机本业之研发、生产与销售外,自2001年起,更跨足缆线、3C光电与材料科技产业,以期引领富强鑫集团航向更高精密与高科技领域,提升企业价值与国际竞争力达成永续经营之目标。  全球十大 落实永续经营的愿景,致力成为全球前十大塑胶机械制造公司。 顾客第一 倾听顾客声音,成为顾客最信赖的事业合作伙伴。 快乐成长 打造员工快乐职场让富强鑫人都乐于工作,挑战自我,不断成长。 利润共享 共同打造美好未来 与员工、股东分享成果;与顾客、代理商、协力厂共创互惠双赢。    




Nano Trend Technology Co., Ltd was founded on 2001 by our CEO Simon Yang.  At beginning the company dedicated to Taiwanese Plastic Extrusion Industry and developed "Online Thickness Measurement System", which now has been sold all around the world. Together with solid foundation and innovative R&D team,  we now have entered multiple industries including Plast and Rubber, Metal, Paper, PCB, Battery, Semiconductor...etc by supplying High Precision and Innovative Measurement/Automation solution Tech Company. Nanometer (10^-9 meter)= 1 bilion of a meter. Based on nano technology and technology trend, we are able to solve the majority of the existing measurement bottleneck. The meaning of Nano-Trend includes: More Precision, More Subtle, More Efficiency and More Intellgient.   Service Philosophy 『Nano-Trend 』 is not only a Taiwanese local system integrator, we believe through continuous dicussion with customers and accumulate experience, only then the "Best Solution" can be achieved. Measurement/automation has no standard answers and each answer depends on the speed, resolution, accuracy, installation space, acceptable cost... and so on. However, if we all have an open attitude and communicate in detail, often the "best solution" will naturally emerge. In terms of measurement/automation products, online quality inspection is definitely a very important key to the future upgrade of industries, but the existing solution or know how may no longer be vaild within a short period. Therefore, as a company who continously dedicate into new technology, Nano-Trend can provide solutions which grow together according to customers' requirement. We also keep a honest attitude to techincal issues, to learn the real requirement from customers, to assess the capability of our products, to react and solve any upcoming issue, to recommend the "Best Solution" and keep up the after sales-services. Only then we can create "Future Value" and a value chain connection Nano-Trend, Product, and Users. We believe then Nano-Trend can have the means to take root and improve our quality without fear of competition from the world.
