Issue 232 立即订阅

Have a Sparkling Chinese New Year!

Happy Chinese New Year! As the year comes to a close, PRM-TAIWAN would like to take a moment to extend our warmest wishes to all of our readers. Whether you have been with us from the beginning or have just discovered us, we are grateful for your support and interest in our work. 


PRM-TAIWAN, with years of experience in the Plastic and Rubber industry, is devoted to bridge the gap between manufacturers and international buyers. Manufacturers can find international buyers on the PRM-TAIWAN platform, moreover, buyers can also look for suitable machines for their business on the platform.


The past year has been a challenging one, but we are hopeful that the new year will bring new opportunities and a fresh start. We are committed to continuing to provide valuable information and resources to our readers, and we look forward to engaging with you in the coming year.


We hope that the new year brings you joy, prosperity, and good health. Here's to a bright and successful future for all of us! From the team at PRM-TAIWAN, we wish you a happy and prosperous new year.


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